

mg冰球突破豪华版下载,我们在这里帮助你从家庭过渡到大学的每一步. As you begin at EC, you’ll want to build connections, find the best spots on campus, 并学习批判性思维技能,以驾驭大学生活. 欧共体的第一年研讨会项目将帮助你实现这一转变. FYS由两门课程组成:FYS 1010:第一年研讨会, offered in the fall (Term I), and WRT 1050: First Year Writing, which is offered in the winter (Term II).

FYS 1010:第一年研讨会结合了一个有趣话题的学术探索和“如何上大学”的指导.“你可以输入你想要探索的主题. 在6月30日之前,使用FYS网站上的FYS选择表,选出你最喜欢的四个FYS 1010选项 admissions portal. If you have any questions or need assistance, 联系招生办公室,电话:(607)735-1724或admissions@gangshitape.com.

But what are the FYS 1010: First Year Seminar course options?

FYS 1010课程包括广泛的主题,旨在捕捉广泛的学生兴趣. Some will explore art, film, and representation, 而另一些人则专注于为成功建立适应力和健康的习惯. 一个将调查真实的犯罪剧,另一个将探索地下城 & Dragons and other storytelling games.

虽然课程主题多种多样,但每门课程都会教你在EC取得大学成功的技能. You’ll learn how to get involved in campus life; how to utilize campus resources and support services; how to engage with the EC and Elmira community; and how to become more skilled in reading, writing, discussing, and presenting on topics of interest. 在学期结束的时候,你和你的同学将会分享你的一些工作 FYS Showcase and Celebration event.

“我们很高兴能够支持学生们开始他们的大学之旅," said Adam Giambrone, 数学副教授和第一年研讨会项目主任. “第一年研讨会帮助学生与同学建立联系, with Elmira College's support services, and with the campus and local community. 我们的目标是帮助学生在mg冰球突破豪华版下载找到自己的位置,并开始一个成功的学术生涯,为他们毕业后的任何事情做好准备."

"Engaging, compelling, 有意义的课程是为学生提供一个良好的大学开端的手段, setting them up for academic success, and developing their critical reasoning skills," said Dr. Patricia Ireland, Provost. “研究学生和教师之间共同感兴趣的话题,为学生与同龄人和教师联系提供了一种直接的方式, 哪些对他们的大学生涯有益."

下周的“欢迎周三”文章将重点介绍三门课程,探索艺术和电影如何帮助我们理解世界:, Lights, Camera, Re-Action!; and Art, Design, and the Environment.

Welcome Wednesdays Articles:

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